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Board of Statutory Auditors

According to the Regional Law n. 29/2004 and its further modifications, IRCCS (Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care) are provided with a Board of Statutory Auditors composed of 3 members, of whom one (with presidential functions) is appointed by the Region, one is nominated by Ministry of Economics and Finance, and one by the Ministry of Health. The Board has a triennial mandate.

With the resolution n.1797 of November 30th, 2020, the Regional Council of Emilia-Romagna has appointed the Institute’s Board of Statutory Auditors:

  • Carlo Costa, MBA, with presidential functions
  • Andrea Patassini, MBA
  • Lucia Cecere, MBA

The instruments of appointment and resumes of this board and the previous ones are kept public in the “Document” section below (in Italian), as provided by the Legislative Decree n. 33/2013.