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Support Rizzoli

The Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute carries out highly complex diagnosis and treatment. It is greatly committed to scientific research, being a Scientific Research Hospital - the first one in the orthopedic field. Therefore, also the support of private citizens and companies is of fundamental importance for our institute.

The research of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute can be supported in several ways:

  • through donations of money to purchase equipment, goods and services for Departments, Wards, and Services belonging to the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute;
  • through the donation of mechanical and electronic instruments, equipment to aid the medical staff for ward and research practice;
  • through donations of books, toys, stationary, personal computers and other things for the children and teenager wards (Ward of pediatric orthopedic-trauma Surgery and Chemotherapy of musculoskeletal tumours department).

To ask for information and indicate your willingness to support Rizzoli send an e-mail to: