Phone: 051/6366659
E-mail address: tiziana.disalvatore@ior.it
Phone: 051/6366659
E-mail address: tiziana.disalvatore@ior.it
Architect Manager
Professional Specialist
30/4/1991: Graduated in Architecture with a grade of 110/110 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Department of Architecture. Thesis in restoration and consolidation of Palazzo Nola Amalfitani. Advisors Prof. Antonino Gallo Curcio and Prof. Giovanni Carbonara
Italian: mother tongue
French: scholastic level
English: scholastic level
2006: Teaching of the SITAR System to colleagues
Elaboration of various feasibility studies, research and study activities with innovative practices
Participation in the training and update courses offered by the agency AOSP Sant’Orsola, other entities, AVC, etc..