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Greater Comfort and Liberal Profession

The patient can choose between some possibilities:

Greater Hotel Comfort under SSN (paying only the fee for Greater Hotel Comfort)
Liberal profession (choosing the doctor or team and paying the corresponding fee)
• Private practice in a Greater Comfort Hotel (combining the choice of doctor/team with that of “Greater  Comfort”)
Liberal profession in agreement (team or individual; according to the conditions of the agreement between the insurance company of the patient and Rizzoli).

Una camera del reparto Libera Professione.

The ordinary shelter with greater hotel comfort

The patient with reservation for ordinary hospitalisation, when entering the hospital, may request the conditions of greater hotel comfort (subject to the availability of the bed, to be checked at the time) in a room with 1 or 2 beds with bathroom, television and telephone.

For greater comfort, there is a "first class" hospitalisation (the room is available to only one patient and a family member can also stay overnight) and a "second class" (there are two patients in the room). For patients assisted by the SSN, they are charged the only fee established by the Institution for the greater comfort of the hotel, differentiated according to the class of admission.

The admission in the Liberal Profession

It is characterized by the choice of the professional or the team (who practice the freelance profession within the walls) which concerns the patient wishes to be treated and takes place on the basis of a dedicated waiting list. Waiting times depend on the availability of the chosen professional and/or the bed.

This type of hospitalisation can take place: 

  • in a hospital room of the professional’s or the team of the department, with hotel comfort levels (number of beds per room, availability of toilets, etc.) varying depending on the structural conditions of the department itself. The financial burden on the patient includes the fee of the chosen specialist or team and a percentage of the regional rate (DRG) fixed for that type of clinical-surgical hospitalization;

  • in a room with greater hotel comfort. The financial burden on the patient, for this type of hospitalisation, includes the fee of the specialist or the chosen team, a percentage of the regional rate (DRG) fixed for that type of clinical-surgical hospitalization and the rate (differentiated according to the 'class' of accommodation chosen) for greater comfort hotel

Stay in the room after the discharge schedule

If the stay lasts longer than the time of discharge is provided for the corresponding adjustment of the tariff.

Admission to a liberal profession NOT under the Convention

For the purposes of reimbursement by private insurance not agreed with the Rizzoli, you can download the facsimile of the specific invoice items attached to this page. We should point out that the rates applied are omniinclusive and standardized, so there is no cost analysis available which shows the various cost factors determining the rate of hospitalization.

Admission to the Libera Profession in convention

The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute has concluded agreements for admission under the “Freelance Profession” (team) with some insurance companies:

  • Allianz Spa
  • Assirete Srl
  • Axa Caring Srl
  • Blue Assistance/Insalute Services (with the exception of XME Protection policies, for that only the indirect form is provided, or according to indications of the company to its client)
  • Campa Società Mutuo Soccorso
  • Caspie Servizi Srl
  • Dimservice Srl - Myrete
  • Generali Welion Scarl
  • Intesa S. Paolo Group Supplementary Health Fund
  • Myassistance Srl
  • Poste Welfare Servizi Srl
  • Unisalute Spa

The patient that has insurance cover through the companies affiliated with the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute can use the benefits under the Freelance Profession under the conditions agreed and without anticipating any expenses, without prejudice to the limits laid down in the taking over by one’s own company.
In all the hospital rooms there are guides to access the wireless network (wifi) of the Rizzoli Hospital.

Attached videos and documents