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Thanks to Foundation, new technologies equipment at Rizzoli

Intraoperative Tac (1 mln of euro) and instrument for diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema

March 5th, 2024

After just over a year and a half of life and several projects in the pipeline, the Fondazione Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli presents the first tangible results to the Institute.

A sophisticated intraoperative CT scan acquired thanks to the Foundation has been delivered in recent days and has received a donation from a single generous benefactor, who prefers to remain anonymous.

It is an imaging diagnostic system that can be used during surgery, directly in the operating room, combined with a computer assisted surgery system that allow to photograph the situation in real time and, by limiting exposure to X-rays for surgeons and the patient, it allows a wide range of complex procedures to be achieved by optimizing clinical results.

The other equipment that the Institute can acquire thanks to the Foundation is a fluorescence imaging device necessary for the early diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema. The device allows the visualization of lymphatic ducts and their functionality and allows the surgeon to identify them on the patient, then intervene with microsurgery technique. 

This is the first step towards the creation at Rizzoli of a Regional Center for Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Lymphedema that is a reference point both for the Emilia-Romagna region and for patients coming from outside the region thus expanding the network of services.

Foto di Gruppo durante la conferenza stampa
In this photo, from left sinistra: Marco Innocenti, Director of IV Ortoplastic; Anselmo Campagna, General Director of IOR; Raffaele Donini, Councillor for Health Policies of the Emilia-Romagna Region ; Federica Guidi, President of Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Foundation; Alessandro Gasbarrini, Director of Spine Surgery.

"We are very happy to be able to present today these important results - says the president of the Fondazione Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Federica Guidi - and see the efforts of our daily work of raising awareness and fundraising. The first big thank, of course, to the generous donor thanks to whom it was possible to equip the Institute with such a sophisticated machinery

I also want to thank all those who donated through the crowdfunding campaign that we activated for the project 'Vivere il Linfedema'. With their contribution we were able to collect a part of the necessary amount and the Foundation has taken charge of the remaining. This is a special moment: the professionals of the Institute will have new technologies available to meet the needs of patients in an increasingly personalized and specialized way, this is a great satisfaction".

For the Councillor for Health Policies of the Emilia-Romagna Region Raffaele Donini, who spoke at the presentation of new technologies, "the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute today takes another step forward in the quality of taking charge of patients. This is thanks to the Rizzoli Foundation, which has supported the acquisition of the new CT scan and has promoted fundraising for the new diagnostic system, integrating the collection with own funds. For our health, in addition to an increase in quality thanks to these instruments, it is also a tangible sign of the generosity of citizens, of their support for public health, citizens who have contributed to these acquisitions, in the case of the CT scan with a very large amount of money from an anonymous donor. We would like to thank the Rizzoli Foundation and the citizens for this important act."

"Rizzoli has always been the point of reference for complex orthopaedic and oncological problems - stresses the general director of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Anselmo Campagna. - This role is also recognized internationally, as evidenced by two recent independent surveys: for the prestigious US magazine Newsweek the Institute is in eighth place in the world ranking for Orthopedics, first overall in Italy; in the survey carried out by the German Institute of Quality and Finance on a series of parameters including medical treatment and reputation, that is, opinions of patients and opinion leaders in the sector, the Rizzoli gets excellent score in all parameters measured. Thanks also to the support of the Foundation and the unparalleled role of the Institute’s research, this ability to be at the forefront is confirmed today. It is a recognition to all professionals, who continue to give their best and contribute to the prestige of our public health service, and it is a guarantee for our patients."

"For us at LILL it was a great honor to be involved to support this initiative - said the president of the Italian League Fight Lymphedema Chiara Giovannucci Orlandi. -  it still not so much discuss about Lymphedema and the bad consequences that this disease brings to the physical and psychological level. We really hope that with our support and the effort of all the Rizzoli can become a reference point for patients suffering from this disease. Having the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region in this project will be a great step forward for the treatment of this pathology. We are very pleased to announce the purchase of the device on the eve of Limphaday, the International Lymphedema Day, we are grateful to the Rizzoli Foundation and the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute for this journey together."

Intraoperative CT scan for spinal and oncological orthopaedics

It is an intraoperative imaging system combined with a computer assisted surgery that will increase the accuracy of the surgery, obtain intraoperative images faster and with less risk of field contamination and reduced X-ray exposure for patients and operators.

Other clinical advantages of this equipment are very large scan volumes, high image quality, no constraint on patient positioning, reduction of surgical time.

The most advanced imaging technologies ensure the intraoperative acquisition of 3D images of comparable quality to a CT scan and at the same time allow two-dimensional checks essential in clinical practice.

After a reconnaissance of the instruments currently available to the Institute to evaluate what could be the additional equipment necessary for the implementation of the system of "intraoperative imaging", has been identified this technology in order to increase the accuracy of surgical interventions with particular reference to the needs related to vertebral surgery directed by Dr. Alessandro Gasbarrini as well as the oncological interventions performed by other facilities of Rizzoli. Together with the intraoperative scan, because it is necessary for its operation, a special radiolucent operating table has been acquired.

Cost 1.034.000 euro


Fluobeam for Lymphedema

Lymphedema is manifested by swelling of a part of the body, due to an accumulation of fluid in the tissues caused by an alteration of the lymphatic system, caused by a rare disease (called primary lymphedema) or more often following the treatment of oncological pathologies such as breast cancer (causing about 30% of secondary forms), melanomas, uterus, intestines and testicle, major trauma or radiant therapies that can damage the lymphatic system (called secondary lymphedema)."

It is a highly disabling pathological condition

The fluorescence imaging system is a cutting-edge technology, fundamental to allow the visualization of lymphatic ducts, otherwise not identifiable to the naked eye, and the execution of microsurgery, already practiced for other pathologies thanks to a Robot, technology of the highest level, from the Clinic IV Ortoplastica of Rizzoli directed by prof. Marco Innocenti. The acquisition of this new device will complete the treatment possibilities of the Rizzoli Institute by creating a path that goes from diagnosis to treatment for the pathology of lymphedema.

Cost 120.000 euro

By crowdfunding 30.000 euro


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