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A Course to delve into the best techniques of interventional radiology

The main topics: bone tumors, metastases, malformations, inflammatory and degenerative pathologies and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system

January 31st, 2024

Two days dedicated to the most advanced techniques of interventional radiology for musculoskeletal diseases and to the most promising innovations in this field are scheduled for Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd February at the IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.

Organized by the Director of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of Rizzoli Dr. Marco Miceli and radiologist Dr. Giancarlo Facchini, the initiative thorough the voice of reference specialists illustrate the treatment of various pathologies, including bone and soft tissue tumors, bone metastases, aggressive benign tumors, vascular malformations and inflammatory and degenerative bone problems. 

A series of videos made in Rizzoli’s Radiology rooms will also be used to show highly specialized procedures such as cryotherapy, a technique used to treat desmoid tumors, embolization of musculoskeletal tumors, or electrosclerotherapy, recently tested thanks to the presence of a diagnostic room (angiosuite) equipped with a single bed with combined use of angiograph, CT and ultrasound, to solve a boy’s chronic pain due to an unresolved vascular malformation after years of trying other methods.

"Interventional radiology is an extremely fertile and evolving field - explains Dr. Marco Miceli. - This is thanks to the intense technological development of recent years and thanks to the increasingly specialized training of figures dedicated to this field. In an IRCCS like Rizzoli the possibilities of study are countless, and this allows us have at our disposal the most innovative and latest technologies and also to verify the effectiveness of specific treatments for diseases that still struggle to find an adequate answer".

"Being able to work together among the many professional figures present at Rizzoli - adds Dr. Giancarlo Facchini, - from the clinic to the research, with a constant discussion also with colleagues of other prestigious realities, to be able to find the best treatment possible for those who have not had adequate answers so far is a great opportunity to develop treatment. With this course, attended by orthopedists, oncologists, physiatrists, anesthesiologists, rheumatologists, sports doctors, our goal is to share what we have learned and achieved so far, open discussion tables to work on finding better and more personalized treatments. The comparison in the medical and scientific field is fundamental and must be constantly fed".

Poter lavorare insieme tra le tante figure professionali presenti al Rizzoli – aggiunge il dottor Giancarlo Facchini, – dalla clinica alla ricerca, con un confronto costante anche con colleghi di altre prestigiose realtà, per riuscire a trovare il miglior trattamento possibile per chi fino ad ora non ha avuto risposte adeguate è una grande opportunità di sviluppo delle cure. Con questo corso, a cui partecipano ortopedici, oncologi, fisiatri, anestesisti, reumatologi, medici sportivi, il nostro obiettivo è condividere quanto appreso e raggiunto fino ad ora, aprire tavoli di discussione per poter lavorare all’individuazione di cure sempre migliori e personalizzate. Il confronto in ambito medico e scientifico è fondamentale e va costantemente alimentato”.

Sessione di radiologia interventistica
Interventional Radiology session


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