Phone: 051 6366354
E-mail address: antonella.orlandi@ior.it
Phone: 051 6366354
E-mail address: antonella.orlandi@ior.it
Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences of Health Professions at the University of Florence AA 2014/2015 110/110 cum laude
I Level University Master in "Management in the Nursing and Midwifery Area, health technician, preventive and rehabilitation" AA 2008/2009
Italiano: Mother tongue
Inglese: Scholastic level
• Sphera Medical Journal: ”Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis and Rehabilitation Treatment after Surgery” (January 2007)
• What Factors Are Associated With the Recovery of Autonomy After a Hip Fracture? A Prospective, Multicentric Cohort Study (2018)
• The tolerance of physiotherapy treatment in patients with COVID-19 and undergoing surgery for fragility hip fracture: An observational study (June 2021)
• Post-hospital care pathway for individuals with hip fracture: what is the optimal setting and rehabilitation intensity? An observational study (August 2022)
• Comparison of a fast track protocol and standard care after hip arthroplasty in the reduction of the length of stay and the early weight-bearing resumption: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (May 2021)
• One-year mortality after hip fracture surgery and prognostic factors: a prospective cohort study (December 2019)
• Does adding neuromuscular electrical stimulation to rehabilitation following total knee arthroplasty lead to a better quadriceps muscle strength recovery? A systematic review (June 2022)
• The impact of the pandemic on functional outcomes for joint replacement patients: An observational study (September 2022)
• Scientific Secretariat: Conference Physiotherapy 4.0 present and future November 2019