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A European register of epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE)

The kick-off meeting of the first European register on ultra-rare cancer

September 28th, 2023

Few days ago, in Milan, took place the kick-off meeting of the first European register on an ultra-rare tumor, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE). The meeting was attended by Dr. Giuseppe Bianchi, orthopaedic surgeon of 3rd Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Clinic prevalently Oncologic (director prof. Davide M. Donati), and Dr. Federica Zuccheri, datamanager of Clinic III of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute.

Foto della riunione di avvio del registro
In the photo Dr. Giuseppe Bianchi, on the left, and Dr. Federica Zuccheri, on the right, in charge of managing the register. In the middle Dr. Silvia Stacchiotti president of the Italian Sarcoma Group and coordinator of the event

The establishment of the register takes place within the framework of the "Starter" project, which involves the creation of a European infrastructure for the ERN Euracan network, the European network of centres dealing with solid adult cancer.

The project will involve 22 European centers and the start of patient recruitment will take place from 1 December in collaboration also with the department of Osteoncology directed by Dr. Toni Ibrahim.

  • Click here to access the web site of Starter project.
  • The informations about ERN network.

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