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Scotlandi Katia, MSc


Date of Birth


Current assignment

Acting Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology

Chief of the CRS Development of Biomolecular Therapies 

Title of qualification awarded

1986: Degree in Biological Science, University of Bologna, with honors.

Other qualifications awarded
  • 1988: Inclusion in the National Order of Biologists (special list). Order number: E-012441.
  • 1987: Certificate of qualification for the profession of Biologist.
Positions held
  • 2019: Acting Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute;
  • 2019-22: Past President of the Italian Association of Cell Cultures (AICC);
  • From 2018: ex-officio Member of the Management Board of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute;
  • From 2018: Co-Responsibility for the Oncology Research Line, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute; 
  • From 2016: Secretary of the “Working Group on sarcomas” - National Oncology Network, Alliance Against Cancer (ACC);
  • From 2008: Chief of CRS-Specialised Reference Centre “Development of Biomolecular Therapies”, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology;
  • 2004-08: Manager of the Organisational Module “Growth factors and receptors”, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology;
  • From 2001: Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna;
  • 1999-2004: Manager of the Functional Module “Growth factors and receptors”, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology;
  • 1997: “Luisa Santunione” Fellowship abroad by the Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (FIRC): visit to the University of Illinois, Chicago (IL) USA;
  • 1994: Permanent employment as Biologist Collaborator from February 1, 1994, and First Level Biologist Doctor from July 1, 1994, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology;
  • 1991-94: Research contract, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology. Research project: “Role of biologic response modifiers in osteosarcoma” (Head: Dr. P. Picci), funded by the Italian Ministry of Health;
  • 1990-91: Frequent visitor, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Laboratory of Experimental Oncology;   
  • 1987-89: Research fellowship issued by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) at the Institute of Cancerology, Medical School of the University of Bologna. Research project: “Differentiative features of rhabdomyosarcoma cells”;
  • 1987-88: Post-graduate training, Institute of Cancerology, Medical School of the University of Bologna and Institute for Hematology “L. e A. Seragnoli”;       
  • 1984-85: Intern student, Institute of Cancerology, Medical School of the University of Bologna.

Excellent knowledge of English.


Good knowledge of Windows Office.

Teaching activities
National Scientific Qualification, Ministry of Education, University and Research:
  • 2014-23: Associate Professor in Molecular Biology (05/E2); Applied Biology (05/F1); Histology (05/H2); General and Clinical Pathology (06/A2); Sciences of Health Professions and Applied Medical Technologies (06/N1)
  • 2014-23: Full Professor in Applied Biology (05/F1); General and Clinical Pathology (06/A2)
  • 2015-24: Full Professor in Molecular Biology (05/E2)
  • 2017-26: Full Professor in Sciences of Health Professions and Applied Medical Technologies (06/N1).

2018: Qualification to teach Molecular Biology as Associate and Full Professor, University of Trento.


Teaching activity:

  • From 2017: Adjunct Professor in "Functional Genetics and Genomics" - Master Degree in Industrial Molecular Biotechnologies, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Sport Science, ex Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna;
  • From 2007: Adjunct Professor in "Advanced Molecular Biology 2" - Master Degree in Industrial Molecular Biotechnologies, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Sport Science, ex Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna;
  • 2004-08: Adjunct Professor in "Advanced DNA Technologies and Recombinant Proteins" - Master Degree in Industrial Molecular Biotechnologies, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna;
  • 2001-04: Adjunct Professor in "Molecular Biology IV", Course of study in Industrial Biotechnologies, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Bologna;
  • From 2002: Supervisor for several theses in Advanced Molecular Biology, Advanced DNA Technologies and Recombinant Proteins, Molecular Biology IV, University of Bologna;
  • 1998-2012: Assistant Supervisor in PhD theses and several degree theses in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Pathology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Recombinant Technology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine, University of Bologna;
  • 1998-99: Assistant Supervisor in a postgraduate thesis in Toxicology, University of Bologna.
Scientific activities

Starting from graduation she has continuously worked in the oncology field, achieving 208 international publications (updated February 2020) and 7 book chapters. 

  • Scopus ID: 7006825570
  • Orcid ID: 0000-0001-6114-9499
  • Research ID: J-9009-2016
  • H-index Scopus: 50
  • H-index Google Scholar: 59

She has been and she is currently responsible of the following Research Projects: 



European Union:

  • 2019-23: Head of an Operative Unit for the project “HORIZON 2020: Sarcoma as model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network (SELNET)”. Coordinator: Dr. JM. Broto, Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS)- Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain (2019-2023)
  • 2019-22: Head of an Operative Unit for the project “ERANET/TRANSCAN: “Harnessing BRCAness as therapeutic target in HR pediatric solid tumors (BRCAddict)”. Coordinator: Prof. SM. Pfister, German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg (DKFZ) and Hopp Children´s Cancer Center at the NCT Heidelberg (KiTZ)
  • 2017-21: Head of an Operative Unit for the project “IMI2: ITCC Pediatric Preclinical Poc Platform (ITCC-P4”. Coordinator: Prof. SM. Pfister (Heidelberg, Germany)
  • 2016-18: Head of an Operative Unit in the project TRANSCAN-2 “Targeting Of Resistance in PEDiatric Oncology (TORPEDO)”. Coordinator: Prof. SM. Pfister (Heidelberg, Germany)
  • 2013-16: Working Package Leader for the project ERA-NET on Transcan-PROVABES “Prospective Validation of Biomarkers in Ewing Sarcoma for personalised transalational medicine”. Coordinator: Prof. U. Dirksen (Münster, Germany - Head for IOR Dr. P. Picci)
  • 2006-10: Head of an Operative Unit for the project “European Network to Promote Research into Uncommon Cancers in Adults and Children: Pathology, Biology and Genetics of Bone Tumours (EuroBoNeT)”. Coordinator: Prof. P. Hoogendoorn (Leiden, NL)
  • 2005-08: Head of an Operative Unit for the project “PROTHETS, prognosis and therapeutic targets in the Ewing family of tumors”. Coordinator: Dr. P. Picci. 


Private Associations:

  • 2016-17: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Research Project of the Alan B. Slifka Foundation “Development of CD99 inhibitors as novel therapeutics for Ewing Sarcoma”, coordinated by Prof. A. Üren, Georgetown University
  • 2012-14: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Research Project of the Liddy Shriver Association “Molecular Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Inhibition of Bone Sarcoma Metastasis”, coordinated by Prof. D. Loeb, John Hopkins University
  • 2010-12: Co-Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Research Project of the Liddy Shriver Association “CD99 engagement and apoptosis in Ewing’s sarcoma: role of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA mutations”, (Resp. Prof. M. Rugolo, University of Bologna).



Italian Association for Cancer Research:

  • 2020-25: “Accelerating biomarkers and targeted therapy development in metastatic Ewing sarcomas: focus on tumor cell plasticity” 
  • 2017-20: “CD99 at the interface between bone sarcoma and the immune microenvironment: an opportunity for therapy”
  • 2014-17: “Targeting CD99, a master regulator of bone sarcoma metastasis and malignancy: molecular mechanisms and pharmacological inhibition”
  • 2010-13: “From molecular to differentiation therapy of bone sarcomas: focus on IGF-IR and CD99 to construct the bridge”
  • 2007-10: “Molecular therapy of bone sarcomas: the targeting of genes required for osteoblastogenesis as a new strategy”
  • 2004-06: “Targeted therapies in Ewing's sarcoma: providing new clues and tools”
  • 200-03: “Scientific basis for innovative treatment strategies in Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors”.


Italian Ministry of Health: 

  • 2018-21: Head of the Project “IGF2BPs (insulin-like growth factor 2 binding proteins) as novel biomarker of Ewing sarcoma progression: diagnostic and therapeutic implications”;
  • 2012-15: Head of an Operative Unit for the Research Project “Insulin resistance and cancer: strategies of intervention involving the insulin receptor isoform A”, (Coordinator Dr. R. Malaguarnera);
  • 2010-12: Coordinator and Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Research Project “Molecular therapy in pediatric sarcomas and leukemia against IGF-IR system: new drugs, best drug-drug interactions, mechanisms of resistance and indicators of efficacy”;
  • 2008-10: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Project “Novel therapy design for tumors resistant to conventional chemotherapy and for rare tumors” (Coordinator Dr. C. Spadafora);
  • 2008-10: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Project “Validation of targeted therapies and related biomarkers to predict tumour response” (Coordinator Dr. R. De Maria); 
  • 2008-10: Coordinator and Responsible of an Operative Unit for the project “Genes regulating osteoblastogenesis as new therapeutic targets for bone tumors”;
  • 2008-10: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Project “Development of new therapies in musculoskeletal tumors: immunotherapy and targeted therapies in comparison” (Coordinator Dr. P. Picci);
  • 2003-06: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Project “Profili genetici e biomolecolari di prognosi e di predittività della risposta ai farmaci nei sarcomi muscoloscheletrici”, (Coordinator Dr. M. Serra);
  • 2002-04: Responsible of an Operative Unit for the Project “Sviluppo di terapie bersaglio-specifiche nell’osteosarcoma e sarcoma di Ewing”, (Coordinator Dr. P. Picci).


Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research:

2012-16: Head of an Operative Unit for the Project FIRB - “Advanced technological platforms for the development of new biomarkers and molecular targets in nanotechnology vectors for diagnosis and therapy of human cancers”. Coordinator: Prof. A.M. Colao, “Federico II” University of Naples.


Emilia-Romagna Region:

2014-15: Feasibility Study “Development in GMP of a human antibody directed against CD99 membrane for the treatment of Ewing's sarcoma”.


Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute:

  • 1994-96: “Study of genomic alterations in musculoskeletal sarcomas”;
  • 1997: “Role of autocrine circuits in musculoskeletal sarcomas”. 


Collaborator in Operative Units:

From 1990, collaborator in 64 projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, National Council for Research, Italian Ministry for Research and Instruction, European Union, Italian Association for Cancer Research. 


Commissioned research studies

  • “Evaluation of the role of IGF-IR inhibitors against Ewing sarcoma”, 2005-2006, Company Novartis Pharma AG
  • “Mechanisms of resistance to human bivalent single-chain fragment variable diabody (anti-CD99)”, 2019-2020, Company Diatheva.


Scientific reviewer of projects:

  • 2015-17: Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of the International Clinical Cancer Research (CIR2C), French National Cancer Institute-INCa;
  • 2015: Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education- HCERES, Nantes, France;
  • 2012-2017: Swiss Cancer League Grants; Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative; Dutch Cancer Society; AACR Basic Cancer Research; United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; Alan B. Slifka Foundation; Cancer Research UK; The French Society for Children Cancer and Leukemia (SFCE);
  • 2012: Member of reviewers for the evaluation of research products (VQR 2004-2010) on behalf of ANVUR (Evaluation National Agency of the University System and Research);
  • From 2011: Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee for AIRC-FIRC (Italian Association and Foundation for Cancer Research) Fellowships;
  • 2011-2014 and from 2018: Member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee of the Translational Cancer Research for French Ministry of Health and French National Cancer Institute-INCa and President in June and November 2014;
  • 2009: Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, State of Israel;
  • 2008: Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative;
  • 2004: Regional Grant AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research);
  • 2000: Dutch Cancer Society.


Roles in associations and scientific journals:

  • From 2020: Member of the Advisory Scientific Committee of the International CCN Society (ICCNS)
  • From 2017: Member of the Italian Top Women Scientists Committee
  • From 2016: Member of the Editorial Board of “Cancer Research (CR)”
  • From 2014: Member of the “Journal Cell Communication and Signaling”
  • 2014-16: Member of Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS), Board of Directors
  • From 2000: Member of the Scientific Advisory of “Giorgio Prodi” Centre for cancer Research, University of Bologna, from 2000
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the ICCNS-International CCN Society
  • 2009-13 and from 2017: Member of the Italian Society of Cancerology (SIC), Board of Directors
  • 1997: Founding Member of the Italian Sarcoma Group (ISG)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of “M. Campanacci” Association
  • Member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
  • Member of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
  • Member of the International Society for Insulin-like Growth Factor Research.


Scientific reviewer of the following journals:

Expert Reviews; Sarcoma; Cancer Discovery; The American Journal of Pathology; Cancer Research; Clinical Cancer Research; The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology; The International Journal of Cancer; The European Journal of Cancer; Blood; Cancer letters; FEBS letter; Molecular Cancer Therapy; The Journal of Clinical Investigation; Oncogene; Oncotarget; The European Journal of Immunology; Cell Death & Disease; Plos One; Nature.



  • “Tina Anselmi Prize 2019”, for the international commitment in the field of sarcomas, Bologna, March 6th, 2019
  • 2011: “Oswald Van der Veken” Award, Bruxelles.



  • “Screening method”. Application number: PCT/FI2007/050707. We have decided not to continue the patenting I.E. not to fail the national patent application. 
  • “Single-chain variable fragment (Scfv) able to recognize and bind CD99 human protein”. Italy: Number 0001397621, issued on March 8, 2013; Europe: Number 2499163, issued on December 11, 2014; US: Number 8,710,194 issued on April 29, 2014.
  • “Treatment of Ewing's sarcoma through the administration of exosomes released by Ewing's sarcoma silenced cells for CD99 protein". Deposited on November 3, 2017.
Clinical and/or Scientific interests

Genetic alterations of diagnostic or prognostic value in sarcomas; identification of autocrine circuits and critical targets in sarcoma of therapeutic relevance; drug resistance; targeted therapeutic approaches. Study of miRNA profiling and function in sarcomas.

Research Projects

Principal investigator nei seguenti progetti di ricerca.

Research Project
AIRC - Accelerating biomarkers and targeted therapy development in metastatic Ewing sarcomas: focus on tumor cell plasticity

Research project about Ewing's sarcoma, one of the most common primary bone tumors and mainly affects children and young adults.

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Research Project
BRCADDICT – BRCAness come Bersaglio Terapeutico in Tumori Solidi Pediatrici ad Alto Rischio

The project aims are evaluate the sensitivity and different inhibitors of the PARP molecule in a comparative way and study the mechanisms of resistance, as well as to identify possible markers predictive of the response pharmacological.

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Research Project
VAGABOND - Validation of Actionable Genomic ABerrations in a paediatric for Doctorate students

The general objective of the VAGABOND project is to create a multidisciplinary and multisectoral program aimed at extending the technical-scientific knowledge of young researchers with the final aim of developing an efficient approach for the v

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Research Project
ITCC-p4 - ITCC Pediatric Preclinical Poc Platform

ITCC-P4 is a European project created to accelerate pediatric cancer research, under the IMI-2 work programme.

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Research Project
Sarcoma as a model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network

The SELNET project aims to create a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network of clinical specialists and expert researchers in the field of sarcomas to refine the diagnosis and improve the conduct of clinical trials with the ultima

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Training events

Promotore/organizzatore dei seguenti eventi formativi.

Centro di Ricerca Rizzoli
Genomic and epigenetic analysis of osteosarcoma to define novel therapeutic approaches
Lecture of Prof. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero at Research Centre of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
from Tuesday - 17 September 2024 - 11:00 to Tuesday - 17 September 2024 - 13:00
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 Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari dettaglio locandina evento
Targeted Protein Degradation: from biology to pharmacology
The event is organized by Associazione Italiana di Colture Cellulari (AICC-APS) under the patronage of IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
from Tuesday - 4 June 2024 - 09:30 to Tuesday - 4 June 2024 - 16:45
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Laboratory technical meetings for improving experimental approaches
Meeting to update the personnel belonging to the research laboratories of the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, on issues related to musculoskeletal oncology
from Wednesday - 1 February 2023 to Thursday - 30 November 2023
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Scientific laboratory meetings on topics in Musculoskeletal Oncology
Update meeting of the staff belonging to the research laboratories of the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, on topics related to musculoskeletal oncology.
from Sunday - 1 January 2023 to Sunday - 31 December 2023
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