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XXII IORS National Congress

Focus on Research and Innovation for Orthopaedics

Start date
Friday - 10 June 2022
End date
Saturday - 11 June 2022

Codivilla Putti Conference Center 
Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Barbiano street 1/10
40136 Bologna

CME credits will be awarded to participants

The XXII IORS Congress will take place at the Congress Center of the Codivilla-Putti Research Center (Rizzoli Orthopaedics Institute). It will be dedicated to the theme of "Research and Innovation for Orthopaedics".

Following the principles that have always driven the Society - research, development, updating, education - we intend to organize a scientific meeting. It will focus on innovative aspects, resulting from clinical or basic research in the fields of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and related specialist disciplines. The conference will be divided into two main themes, dedicated to

  • Orthopedics (medical and surgical)
  • Spinal Pathology and Surgery

Each symposium will be structured to provide an overview of recent acquisitions in the pathophysiology of diseases of the locomotor apparatus and the status of translational research in orthopedics, also through the presentation of the results of clinical studies from the most important Italian orthopedic schools.

For each of the above-mentioned topics, sessions will be held with lecture(s) and oral communications on representative aspects of clinical and pre-clinical research.

The goal is to stimulate (through the scientific reports of different groups) a comparison between researchers who develop new knowledge and new technologies in the laboratories, and clinicians who in the department or in the operating room are facing every day the expectations of the patient. Each session will end with a summary of "highlights", meaning the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities that exist for each of the issues addressed.

In the development of the themes of the congress, we will try to bring particular attention to the transfer of technology and to the financing of scientific research, topics of major relevance to health research.

The main objective of IORS 2022 will be to encourage a valuable interaction between researchers and clinicians that can bring innovative ideas and facilitate the introduction of the acquired results into clinical practice.

Scientific research is the cornerstone of any sustainable development and improvement of our lives... we hope to see many of you in Bologna.

Congress Presidents 
Donatella Granchi    Giovanni Barbanti Brodano



D.ssa Granchi Donatella

Ricercatrice, già dirigente medico presso il laboratorio Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche e nanobiotecnologie, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli

CME credits

The Provider Consortium MED3 will accredit the Congress at the National Commission for Continuing Education with System Training Objective: 2: GUIDELINES - PROTOCOLS - PROCEDURES.


Organizational secretariat
AdArte Events
mobile: 393-7049383 and 370-3090831
web site: 

Attached videos and documents