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EUR 2.2 million financed for “Children Terrace” project

Emilia Romagna Region alongside The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute and IOR Foundation

February 1st, 2023

Emilia Romagna Region, through a review of the Economic and Finance Regional Document, has declared the financing of 2.2 million Euro to renovate the rooftop, the terrace of the modern Hospital building where is a view of Bologna.

Children Terrace” is the main project of The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Foundation, the fundraising campaign is focused on that project. The objective is to create new multifunctional spaces on the terrace of the Hospital monoblock where pediatric and oncological patients and their families could stay. Often these people have to stay for long or recurring periods, so the aim is to enhance their accommodation. 

The Rizzoli is determinated to work on this project to pay more and more attention and care to patients. The Institute will give their economic contribution to the creation of the structural part and walls of the new spaces funded by the Region.

The Foundation, as the first act, will bear the architectural design costs and will finance the structural works and furnishings, that the new spaces need, thorough following fundraising. 

Fondatori promotori della Fondazione IOR (con al centro la presidente Federica Guidi) con il direttore generale del Rizzoli Anselmo Campagna e l'assessore regionale alle politiche per la salute Raffaele Donini
Photo with the founders of the IOR Fondation (in the middle the President Federica Guidi) with the General Director of Rizzoli Anselmo Campagna and the Regional assessor of health politics Raffaele Donini. 

 “New spaces – says Anselmo Campagnathat represent new opportunities for our patients and for whom take care of them: first of all the families, together with health workers, hospital teachers, volunteers of associations. There is a community that lives alongside the young and child patients, the terrace will provide a place for sociality and hospitality”.

Regional funding has two features: – says Raffaele Donini, Councillor for Health Policies of the Emilia-Romagna Region – developing the traditional activity programme to take care of pediatric and oncologic patients and promoting the humanization of healthcare. Caring of patients means to pay attention about the whole route, not only in a clinic way, but also paying attention on what they need day by day. In that way the Terrace of Children is a place where  humanization takes shape. A big thanks to Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Fondation that joins us and IOR in that commitment with the aim to continue the effort to make Rizzoli an international reference hub for orthopaedic, oncological and pediatric activities”.   

The project

The project refers to expand indoor spaces designed for the hospitality of patients and to create new spaces dedicated to young patients who can spend some time on recreational and educational activities, without interrupting therapies and rehabilitation.

The Terrace of Children will be in a strong correlation with works to seismic consolidation – financed by PNRR fund. The new 800 sq m space will be rested above vertical bearing elements in the south-east part of the building.

The space, modular as a specific health workers and patients needs, is divided into 6 macro areas with particular finishes and furnishings:  

Library and playroom area, where people can study and read books; 
Learning area, a reserved space for study groups and educational activity with educator; 
Living room, in the middle, is the area where patients and their relatives can stay; 
Kids area, reserved to pediatric patients with décor and equipment that refers to the educational and kids world;
Event area, where take place educational and play events (music, theatre, conference, projections); 
Educational Laboratory area, with a greenhouse lodge where people can do manual experiential activities.

Rendering di uno degli spazi della Terrazza dei Bambini
Rendering of one of the spaces of Terrace of Children 

The project will focus on the creation of finishes and comfort for the internal environment and décor: all plan is designed to characterize spaces without any references regarding hospital environment, to reduce psychological stress to patients. The project will be eco-sustainable and with law impact to the landscape.

The green and stained glass system is the characteristic element of the project. Wide green edge will be set in the external perimeter of the new building to enrich the facade and to give a sense of harmony with the hill behind. The wide glass facade enable to appreciate the view of the historic centre and reduce the strict separation inside-outside spaces, favouring the entrance of natural light in all of the building.

"Thanks to that project - says Federica Guidi, The President of the Foundation - we will provide a great contribution to the hospitality for pediatric patients, who are very dear to the FoundationThe important regional funding will cover the costs of the structural part of the new spaces, so we will focus on the fundraising for the design of the spaces to make them functional and perfectly welcoming. We hope to reach, with the help of all stakeholders, funds needed to better complete the new areas. Participating in such an important project is a great pride for us, I am confident that we will be able to support the innovative vision of the hospital with the resources it deserves to make the conditions of young and pediatric patients forced to long periods of hospitalization less burdensome. We are working to expand the number of supporters and weave relationships with the city and the productive realities of the territory. We are committed to organize different types of fundraising events where we will invite everyone to participate, because we believe that together we can realize great and ambitious projects. So we could feel our hospital even more part of us and part of the identity of our city".

The others Foundation projects

The fundraising campaign are still open for all others projects of the Foundation 

Rizzoli su misura” concerns, instead, the creation of a highly technological 3D Laboratory for the "tailor-made" design and 3D printing of prostheses and a museum space accessible to the public that shows, through the archive materials, the evolution of the research path of the Institute and how, from the first glass x-rays of the early '900, we arrived at the prostheses "custom made" and the study of specific cases, going increasingly towards the customization of care.

Do.PO, Orthopaedic Prostheses Donations, provides for the creation of a fund to support the donation of prostheses to those who have suffered amputations due to particular pathologies or war events and have special needs that are not adequately met in the institutional offer as children, sports or multi-amputees.

EOS provides for the purchase of the latest generation of radiological equipment that allows to study the defects of the spine and lower limbs, particularly suitable for the study of children’s diseases because it lowers ionizing radiation to a minimum.

Finally, a project for the enhancement of the historical heritage of the ex Convent of San Michele in Bosco that includes the restoration of the facade of the Scientific Library and the restoration of the Italian garden in its original Renaissance forms, with the recovery of the circular fountain, the entrance staircase and the benches of the time as well as the green part to host cultural and scientific events.

The Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Foundation

The Foundation was founded thanks to the philanthropic act of nine protagonists of the industrial and entrepreneurial network of Emilia who lined up alongside the renowned hospital. Eight companies, including 

Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., CRIF S.p.A, Ducati Energia S.p.A., Emil Banca Credito Cooperativo Soc. Coop, GDTRE S.r.l., GVS S.p.A., Macron S.p.A., Rekeep S.p.A., and Cavalier Roberto Bertazzoni. 

Its objective is to support Rizzoli in three main areas: improving the quality of care, care and hospitality to patients; supporting scientific research activities and in the enhancement, promotion and protection of its cultural heritage to ensure the best conditions for its preservation and public enjoyment.

Federica Guidi is the President of the Foundation (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ducati Energia S.p.A) in the board there are also Umberto Tossini (chief human capital officer of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.), Carlo Gherardi (CEO of CRIF S.p.A.), Gianluca Pavan (Vice General Director of Emil Banca Credito Cooperativo Soc. Coop), Giovanni Domenichini (CEO GDTRE S.r.l.), Roberta Scagliarini (philantropy manager of GVS S.p.A.), Gianluca Pavanello (CEO of Macron S.p.A.), Paolo Leonardelli (board member of Rekeep S.p.A.) and Matteo Tamburini (in representation of Cavalier Roberto Bertazzoni).

As part of the board there are also the President of Rizzoli Joint Consultative Committee which brings together the voluntary associations active in the hospital, a position currently held by Giovanni Bitonti, the orthopaedic surgeon Roberto Rotini, already director of the Structure of Shoulder and elbow Surgery of Rizzoli, the pediatric surgeon Paolo Messina, member of the Board of Address and Verification of Rizzoli and Anselmo Campagna the general director of IOR.


La Terrazza dei Bambini
Rendering del progetto.



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