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The Rizzoli-Sicilia Department in Bagheria: 2012 figures

3 Gennaio 2013

The data on the activity of the Rizzoli-Sicilia Department in Bagheria (PA) have been updated as to December 31st, 2012.

Data regard outpatient visits and hospitalizations (both under the NHS and by private professionals) and are updated monthly, in order to keep count of the progressing activity at the Sicilian location of the Rizzoli Institute.

Specifically, from February 1st  to December 31st, 2012, 6.687 outpatient visits under the NHS, and 5.207 outpatient visits by private professionals were performed, for a total of 11.894 visits. In addition, between April 11th and December 31st 2012, 1.801 hospitalization were provided, 1.799 of which under the NHS.

The data are presented on the dedicated page “The Rizzoli-Sicilia Department in Figures” and are updated monthly.

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